10 Things To Know Before Using A Training Collar On Your Dog!
1. Shock Collars are not meant to punish the dog, instead they utilize the power of negative and positive reinforcement to condition the dog to exhibit a certain behavior.
5. Do not use a training collar unless your pet is tough to train and you come to this conclusion only after trying regular training methods that does not involve punishment or shock.
7. Make sure that you do not create a permanent fear of the collar or yourself by being too regressive and punishment oriented. This would lead to the dog developing a negative focus about the world around him/her.
9. Keep the remote control away from the dog as dogs tend to associate the remote control with the source of shock upon seeing it and tend to develop a fear of all such tools.
For any doubts or questions on using the Ziggy Dig Training Collar, e-mail us at info@ziggydogtrainingcollar.com.